
Health, Hope & Freedom for your Mind, Body and Spirit!

At Arise & Shine Vitality our main goal is to equip you and the world with the gifts of vibrant health, hope, and freedom to live the abundant life that you are designed to live!  

Many people suffer unnecessarily in our world by living a hope deprived life, chained and bound to various things, such as sicknesses, pain, and addictions.  We believe health, hope and freedom are some of our greatest gifts and blessings!  It says in the Bible, that it's God will, law and desire, for us to be vibrantly healthy, and to live an abundant life secure life in Him! (Jeremiah 33:6.)   This is among one of Gods many truths that fuels our passion and fire to share with the world!                   

We assist you and your entire family with all your health, wellness, nutrition and fitness needs.  We provide a holistic approach to healing the mind, body, and spirit naturally through identifying the root causes of dis-ease and imbalances in the body.  Additionally we believe when the mind, body and spirit are balanced, this is the perfect recipe to thrive!  We strive to create the most comprehensive and proven wellness programs that assist our clients achieve and maintain their specific health goals in the most efficient way possible.  We know that when you attain your ultimate health goals, you will be empowered to live your life at the highest level and fullest potential! We look forward to teach you how!  For more information on the programs we offer see our "Services" page. 

All programs are conducted by Lisa Reynaldo who is a Doctor of Naturopathy, Nutritionist, and Wellness Transformation Coach.  She has been in the natural health care industry for over 20 years.  She is very passionate about equipping the world one person at a time with the gifts of health, hope and freedom to live life at its highest level and the fullest potential! 

951 290 8517

Any information provided on this website is for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any specific medical condition. Before you make any nutritional changes, seek the advice of your medical doctor who is familiar with your medical condition.